Thursday, August 10, 2006

Do you want to know a secret, do you promise not to tell

Remember back when Malkin, Horowitz, et al, were sooooo outraged that the NYTimes would publish photos of Rumsfeld's & Cheney's vacation homes, even though both parties had agreed to do the puff pieces? In an email exchange I had with Horowitz, about which I posted here, he admitted that they went after the NYTimes because of its long history of supporting...whatever. He's clearly an idiot.

It was like Julius & Ethel Rosenberg all over again, delicious for the paranoids who see Communists and conspirators around every corner.

Well, it happened again. I'm sure that Malkin, & Horowitz will be shocked, shocked! that gambling, er, I mean, television is going on here:
Now it's, also important that we talk about Lebanon as well. We haven't seen the Lebanese military engage. They primarily are a security force. They have about 61,000 troops that are under arms at any one time. And just less than 70 aircraft. But Anderson, these aircraft have probably been reduced in numbers based on Israel strikes over the course of the last three weeks.

And then certainly we have been spending a lot of time talking about Hezbollah. About 3,000 to 5,000 soldiers, they have been unmasked. They've been weakened. They've been atritted. As well as their rocket systems. And without about 100 a day for the last three weeks, you can see the reduction from 15,000 probably down closer to the 10,000 range in terms of their rocket system. Those are all of their rocket systems that we've seen. And some we haven't seen yet.

Now, what's really important, Anderson, it's important to realize that these are very truncated spaces. Very, very small. If you go from the edge of the Golan Heights that Israel has occupied a lot of defensive positions, to the Mediterranean, it's just 40 miles. But from the border of Lebanon, down to the Gaza, that's 140 miles. That's where Israel could fight a multiple-front war. They have interior lines, but they've got to rely on their maneuver in order to do it. This is a very tricky fight were they to do that.

Wow. As General (Retired) James "Spider" Marks continues on CNN: (WTF is up with a nickname like Spider?)
Anderson, it does not. And we've discussed this over time. Especially within about the last week and a half, that Israel is beginning to realize that it cannot achieve its objectives against Hezbollah through the air and by artillery and their own missile strikes. They can't do that. As precise as they want to be, they can't achieve the reduction of the Hezbollah forces as much as they would like to. They have to get across the border with ground soldiers in direct combat in order to get Hezbollah reduced and to get them out of their hindsights. They've got to deny them that sanctuary which they currently enjoy.

Traitor! Giving away our military secrets! Actually, tonight was even better, but the transcript isn't up yet. Of course, CNN is part of that famous Liberal Media, that is so hating on Lieberman today: "But enough about you, Joe. Let's let someone else talk about you!"

Not sure who the bigger idiot is, CNN, or the winger wankers.

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