Monday, Dec. 16, 2024
Joseph Isadore "Joe" Lieberman, disgraced former Senator from Connecticut, died today after a long illness, Cause of death was heart failure. He was 82.
Lieberman was recently the victim of bad luck, when he was recently told the only drug that would keep his condition in check was no longer sold in the U.S. Instead, according to Merck-LaRoche-Lilly, the one remaining pharmaceuticals manufacturer in the U.S., the entire output of Dickophil™, once considered a wonder drug for heart-related ilnesses, is now sold only in China. In fact, lobbying by PhRMA, the drug industry lobbying company for whom his wife Hadassah worked, had resulted in Dickophil™ being illegal in the U.S.
Lieberman lost his Senate seat in the '12 election by a wide margin. In fact, many politicians & consultants, both Democratic, Democratic-Socialist, Republican, and Tea Party counseled Lieberman not to run. But run he did, and he was beaten soundly by former Admiral Joe Sestak. After this defeat, he stayed out of public view, and was largely absent from politics.
Lieberman's downfall occurred when, in 2009, he opposed his former party, the wishes of the majority of the U.S. population, and his own constituents in CT by opposing all progressive portions of then Pres. Obama's Health Care Reform. While the much weakened bill did pass, voters in his state would never turn out in favor of Lieberman again. In fact, during the '12 campaign, he was assigned extra Secret Service details after many people at one town hall meeting threw rotten fruit and used toilet paper at the Senator. He was called Crappy Joe after this by several progressive blogs, and the name stuck.
Former Surgeon General Howard Dean said of Lieberman: "He voted his conscience, which unfortunately was weak and petty". Former Sec'y of State and Vice President Hilary Clinton said: "I liked Joe, until I got to know him." And former running mate and former Senator John Kerry said: "I thought I knew Joe, until I selected him to be my VP candidate. Then I discovered what a mean, miserable prick he was". And Sarah Palin, his V.P pick in his failed Presidential run in 2008, said: "Wow, I didn't know the old dude was still alive. I mean, he was like so old when he campaigned with me. If it hadn't been for him, I would have won, also".
Lieberman is survived by, well, no one, because his disastrous health care decisions resulted in several deaths in his family, including, at the end, his own.
He will not be missed.
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