The socialists will pull the first trigger. We rightwing extremists will pull the last.
Bitter Clinger.
PS: Massa Obama must be proud to know that the slaves on his government plantation are so devoted. ding-ding-ding. Uh oh! Massa O is calling! You’d better step-n-fetchit, bootlick.
The groan inducing PS, offered up in what the author must see as high humor, is especially cringe-worthy if you know that Oliver is an American of African descent. Thus the image Bitter Clinger is trying to create is a black slave in captivity of a black President! Clever!
Actually it's really sick and stupid. And the guy proudly used his actual email.
Oliver merely googled it and found this treasure trove of Teh Stoopid™:
419 Hawthorne Ave
Not surprisingly Shaun Conley is listed as a Tea Party event coordinator for “1776 Tea Party” in Colorado.And here’s Shaun Conley – who sent me a racist threat – discussing his role in organizing a tea party protest in Colorado:
Shaun Conley, a Johnstown plumber, took on the task of organizing that peaceful protest, which will be at Bittersweet Park, 16th Street and 35th Avenue, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., with the help of Pelzer and others.
“I wouldn’t say I organized anything. I’m just a cog in the wheel that got this started,” said Conley, 41. It got started when news of the stimulus packages came out, and when those packages reached $1 trillion, Conley couldn’t stand it any longer.
“We don’t have $1 trillion,” Conley said, but he really became agitated when he learned the federal government intended to go ahead and print the money.
“That’s just going to lead to double-digit inflation,” he said. When he learned of the American Family Association’s movement, he contacted the group to get some information and ended up becoming an organizer. He originally planned for perhaps 250 to 500, but he said the event has drawn interest from all over and could reach 1,000 or more.
Some commentors have criticized Oliver, accusing him of going full-Malkin on an opponent. But I disagree, and here's why:
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