We know you're out there, we can see the hit count. We appreciate the fact that you stop by, and we are humbled that you care enough to drop by over and over. We hope you feel welcome here, even if you disagree with a given post or all posts.
That's why we've made it easy for you to make your opinion known. You don't have to comment, (tho we really like it when you do), but if you're not comfortable with that all you have to do is click on the 'stars' below each post to let us know how you felt about a post.
It's a simple scale, just like when we were in school.
1 Star = F
2 stars = D
3 stars = C
4 stars = B
5 stars = A
It's easy, it's quick, it's anonymous, and unlike your teachers, we are grateful for your input.
And if you don't, we'll we've seen what happens

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