NEW YORK Appearing on Donny Deutsch's CNBC show, "The Big Idea," on Monday night, columnist/author Ann Coulter suggested that the U.S. would be a better place if there weren't any Jewish people and that they needed to "perfect" themselves into -- Christians.It led Deutsch to suggest that surely she couldn't mean that, and when she insisted she did, he said this sounded "anti-Semitic."Asked by Deutsch whether she wanted to be like "the head of Iran" and "wipe Israel off the Earth," Coulter stated: "No, we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say. ... That's what Christianity is. We believe the Old Testament."
DEUTSCH: Christian -- so we should be Christian? It would be better if we were all Christian?
DEUTSCH: We should all be Christian?
COULTER: Yes. Would you like to come to church with me, Donny?
DEUTSCH: Why don't I put you with the head of Iran? I mean, come on. You can't believe that.COULTER: The head of Iran is not a Christian.DEUTSCH: No, but in fact, "Let's wipe Israel" --COULTER: I don't know if you've been paying attention.DEUTSCH: "Let's wipe Israel off the earth." I mean, what, no Jews?COULTER: No, we think -- we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say.
"The head of Iran is not a Christian". Oooh, so that's what the difference is between what she's saying and the anti-Israel stance of the Iranian president. Gotcha, Ann.
DEUTSCH: But -- so we would be better if we were - if people -- if there were no Jews, no Buddhists --COULTER: Whenever I'm harangued by --DEUTSCH: -- in this country? You can't believe that.COULTER: -- you know, liberals on diversity --DEUTSCH: Here you go again.COULTER: No, it's true. I give all of these speeches at megachurches across America, and the one thing that's really striking about it is how utterly, completely diverse they are, and completely unself-consciously. You walk past a mixed-race couple in New York, and it's like they have a chip on their shoulder. They're just waiting for somebody to say something, as if anybody would. And --DEUTSCH: I don't agree with that. I don't agree with that at all. Maybe you have the chip looking at them. I see a lot of interracial couples, and I don't see any more or less chips there either way. That's erroneous.COULTER: No. In fact, there was an entire Seinfeld episode about Elaine and her boyfriend dating because they wanted to be a mixed-race couple, so you're lying.DEUTSCH: Oh, because of some Seinfeld episode? OK
[graphics by Dancin' Dave]
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