There's been much discussion in the bloggersphere about revising the TLA* GOP. Suggestions include:
- Grand Old Perverts: David Vitter
- Grand Old Pedophiles: Mark Foley
- Grand Old Pederasts: Larry Craig
- Grand Old Pricks: Karl Rove
- Grand Old Posers: Rudy Giuliani
- Grand Old Phlip-floppers: Mitt Romney
- Grand Old Pouters: Clarence Thomas
Gross Obsolete Party.
Well, they keep doing it again and again. Hypocrisy, lying, and voting against their own best interests. Perhaps they can be called 'self-hating':
The Brown County Republican Party chair has been charged with performing sexual acts on a boy under 18 and giving marijuana to a minor, according to court documents.
Donald Fleischman faces felony counts of child enticement and exposing himself to a child along with two misdemeanor counts for contributing to the delinquency of a child and one misdemeanor for exposing himself to a child, according to the criminal complaint.
"We just learned about this this morning, and to our knowledge he has resigned his position. We don't know any other details," RPW spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski said Friday.
Fleischman faces a maximum sentence of up to 52 years and three months and a fine of up to $230,000.
Fleischman didn't return calls to his home phone or business phone. His attorney, Jeffrey Jazgar, failed to return calls by press time.
The address for Fleischman in the Brown County criminal complaint is the same one listed on the Republican Party of Brown County's most recent campaign finance report filed with the state Elections Board as well as its 527 Political Organization Filing Information. There was only one listing for a Don Fleischman in Green Bay.
On Wisconsin, indeed. Interestingly, Fleischman's name appears to have been scrubbed from the Brown Co. Republican Party site, as there is no Chairman listed. And yes, at other County sites, even a woman is called 'Chairman'. Keeping up with the times. Nice.
This gives 'Green Bay Packers' a whole new meaning.
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