http://obamanewsmosaic.com Barack Obama in a collage of over 600 headlines from around the world on November 5th, 2008 after wining the US presidential election.
This makes me so damned sad:
SYLMAR (CBS) ― A fast-moving brush fire has burned at least three homes and is threatening dozens of others in Sylmar, near the intersection of the 210 and 118 Freeways. About 500 firefighters are battling the blaze and more are on the way.
That's about 5 miles east, 2 miles north of Casa Audio.
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Update 11:00 AM Sat:
The fire passed about 2 miles north of us, and is heading west/slightly south. Everything is a big mess. What a horrible time for the folks who lost homes. We're still feeling pretty lucky.
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