Sunday, September 28, 2008

Update: Mom, the love she gave I love, She taught me right from wrong

John & Ruth Anderson, mid '80s


She came through surgery Sunday evening well, and was resting comfortably when we came home last night. The team of Doctors and Nurses caring for her is really great, as is the hospital, St. Joseph's, Orange CA.

And to the rest of my family, including bro Matt, who helped get her to the hospital; sis Johanna, who does so much to help take care of Mom on a daily basis; her great family: husband (& co-blogger Dancin') Dave, sons Jonathan & Christopher, and my honey Pam, I love you all.

People who hang around here have probably noticed comments from my mom. She identifies herself as either "Steve's Mom", or "Oldness". Her name is Ruth Anderson.

She just turned 82, is pretty wonderful, always adding to the conversation with wit, knowledge, and insight. She's had a pretty interesting life, and raised 4 interesting kids. She's a proud liberal. And she frequently sends me info that is helpful in this little blogging adventure.

Recently, she was hit with a Bad News/Good News scenario. Cancer, in the lungs and brain, was the bad news. Chemo and radiation would likely shrink the tumors, and add some quality time to her life, was the good news. More Oldness in the world would be a great thing.

She started chemo Tursday, and all went well. She even seemed to have some initial relief from the cough that had been bothering her for some time. But last night (Friday) she fell at home and broke her hip.

Luckily, my brother Matt was at the house, and called paramedics. She was transported to St. Joseph's Hospital in Orange, and stabilized.

She's likely having hip surgery Sunday. And hopefully this will be just an annoying bump in the road for a great woman, who at age 82, isn't readly to call it quits. Anyone who wants to send her best wishes can, at She'd enjoy hearing from folks who follow our little blog.

We now resume our strategic and tactical blogging.

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