Meme of the day: Bush as Loser.
Here are the issues on which he has lost:
Loser on Congress:
Nancy Pelosi is about to speak. She will be the Speaker of the House of Representatives, two seats away from the Presidency. How great to not only have a Democrat Speaker of the House and a female Speaker of the House, the first ever, but a true progressive and non-centrist Speaker of the House.
Loser on the Senate:
One week after historic elections that made Democrats the majority in Congress, Nevada Senator Harry Reid was elected as the Majority Leader of the United States Senate.
Loser on Iraq:
Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), who was elected Senate majority leader yesterday, said last night that President Bush still has not grasped the urgent need to change course in Iraq.
Loser on the American people:
Bush's own job approval ratings have hit a new low in the aftermath of the elections. Just 32% of Americans approve of Bush's job performance compared with 58% who disapprove.
Loser on Morals:
After years of denials, the CIA has formally acknowledged the existence of two classified documents governing aggressive interrogation and detention policies for terrorism suspects, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.But CIA lawyers say the documents -- memos from President Bush and the Justice Department -- are still so sensitive that no portion can be released to the public.
Loser on judgeships:
The Bush administration, trying to push through judicial nominations before Republicans lose control of the Senate, resubmitted six nominees deemed by Democrats too conservative for the federal bench.
Loser in the Republican Party:
But Tuesday night’s election results may give us a new L-word for the president, one that both camps can agree on: Loser.
Loser as a grownup:
Father's TeamLoser on the entire world:
Gates has remained close to former President George H.W. Bush, and is president of Texas A&M University, which hosts the Bush presidential library. In addition to Gates, the current President Bush is turning to another of his father's elder statesmen for help on Iraq: James Baker.
A sampling of press from around the world should show Americans that their president's foreign policy is a dismal failure. Whether you define the country of origin an "ally" or "foe," the message is the same: President Bush is a complete disaster and his party should be voted out. You'd be hard pressed to find any major media outlet anywhere in the world that has anything positive to say about the Bush administration.
Loser on Rush Limbaugh & Hugh Hewitt:
“The way I feel is this: I feel liberated, and I’m going to tell you as plainly as I can why. I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don’t think deserve having their water carried. Now, you might say, ‘Well, why have you been doing it?’ Because the stakes are high! Even though the Republican Party let us down, to me they represent a far better future for my beliefs and therefore the country’s than the Democrat Party does and liberalism.”
The good news for Dems is that after January, we have 2 years for him so show what a petulant, pathetic fool he really is. And he will show it, mark my words.
Well, after all that, he still has Barney & Laura. Wait, where are you going?

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