Mike Huckabee clanked an easy lay-up the other day, when he hadn't even read or been briefed on the new NIE. Apart from the Dumond issue and every other reason Huckabee would be a disaster as President, Kevin Drum asserts that this is reason enough to disqualify Huckabee:
But maybe I'm too cynical! Maybe the press will pick up on this. For starters, here's Huckabee feebly lying about the whole thing on today's Morning Joe:Well, I don't blame my staff. It is a situation where a report was released at 10:00 in the morning, the president hadn't seen it in four years and I'm supposed to see it four hours later.
No. The NIE was released Monday morning. He was asked about it Tuesday evening. That's two days. Two days in which the NIE was on the front page of every newspaper; it was blanketing cable TV, talk radio, and the blogosphere; and the president of the United States addressed its conclusions in a press conference. It was blockbuster news on one of the most important foreign policy issues of the campaign and Huckabee didn't even know about it.
If this were just an attempt to play gotcha with Huckabee, that would be one thing. But it wasn't. It was an ordinary question from a reporter who assumed — rightfully — that any serious candidate for president of the United States would keep up with news like this and have something to say about it. Huckabee didn't.
Indeed. I've got nothing to add. Huckabee may be a nice guy and even a decent bass player, but this proves that besides being a hyper-religious zealot and a liar, he's also less curious than GWBush about world affairs.
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